I’m Struggling With My Business Finances, What Can I Do?
As well as Government funded loan schemes, private lenders are also offering funds to to small businesses impacted by COVID-19. This is being done to help small business gain the financing they need in order to ensure they overcome any detrimental effects of COVID-19.
Both Natwest and Lloyds bank are currently presenting £5bn and £2bn of capital support, respectively, to SMEs who are struggling with the financial effects of the Coronavirus.
What Support Does This Entail?
The support ranges from Loan Repayment Holidays, Temporary Emergency Loans with no fees as well as dedicated advice from Relationship Managers, should you be a customer with either Natwest or Lloyds.
To find out what kind of support you could receive, please follow the links provided below for a comprehensive list of the benefits and contact details for the establishments mentioned above.
Support Details
Lloyds Banking Group: https://www.lloydsbankinggroup.com/Media/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/lloyds-banking-group/lloyds-banking-group-ready-to-support-uk-small-businesses-impacted-by-covid-19/
NatWest (RBS): https://www.rbs.com/rbs/news/2020/03/natwest-pledges-p5bn-working-capital-support-for-smes-during-cor.html
Further Questions
If there are any further questions about the support available, please contact us and we will be able to help answer your queries or provide contacts with those who can.
Office Number: 01843 291944
Email Address: Office@kentcoastaccounts.co.uk